
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oh, Canada

Did you ever wonder how Canada got it's name?

Well, I am about to tell you.

Picture of Canadian flag                                                 
There was a group of fur trappers sitting around a campfire talking about the greatness of their vast new land.
One of the men stated that they needed to give the new land a name.
Another man shouted out that "it should start with the letter C".
Out came a collective "Eh!"
Another man said " It needs to have an N in it."
Here comes another "Eh!" from the men.
"How bout a D?" says another one of the men.
Another "Eh!" is shouted out.

And that, dear people is how the country of Canada was named.


  1. Oh Ruth - I so needed that laugh!
    As a Canadian...I never heard this hidden gem about the origin of our name. I believe you...I know you would never, ever, ever, ever, ever...ever, steer me wrong. Ever!!!!

    I will tell my grandchildren this now sacred story...that is should I ever have grandkiddies! And, should my memory still be intact.

    Great! Jenny @ PEARSON REPORT

    1. I had a feeling you'd like this one, Jenny. Of course I am never wrong! Don't be silly.

  2. That's funny!!!!

    And this is why we call them Wacky Canadians!

  3. LOL. I have to get the email address of my husband's niece. They live in Canada and they had that eh rubbed on me for a long time.

  4. Hahaha this is awesome! (Fellow A-Zer)

  5. Thanks for letting us know! I KNEW it didn't have anything to do with maple syrup, hockey, or Celine Dion.

  6. Such a simple story and I'm still laughing! This one's a gem.

  7. This sounds entirely plausible.
    Thanks for the cute story, Ruth.


    1. Of course it is, Robyn. I did awesome in history back in high school. I know what I am talking about.

  8. Ha! Love this! Did you make this up?

    1. Gail, I'd love to say I did. But, several years ago my husband got a joke ezine and there was a joke similar to this in it. I couldn't remember it word for word so I just wrote it how I remembered.


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