How to pay attention?
How to think?
How to read?
I am not sure which one it was, but lots of people need to start doing those things.
Kiddo has bronchitis.
Took her to the doctor today.
She can't have codeine or hydrocodone so she is limited with strong cough syrup.
Meaning all prescription kind contains either or.
I made sure the PA knew that she couldn't have either of those meds even though it should be in her chart.
The PA mentions an OTC and than mentions that the doctor has a cough syrup that he designed and it has no narcotics but we have to go to the one pharmacy that blends it.
Even though we don't go there since it is in a town out of the way, we decide for the good of Kiddo we will.
We take the script over and the lady takes down the info.
Including the fact she is allergic to codeine and hydrocodone.
She writes it right on the script for God sakes.
We wait while the pharmacist fills it.
We go to pay and she mentions the special cough syrup and I said we were getting it because Kiddo can't have codeine or hydrocodone.
She gives me a funny look and tells me "Oh, it has codeine in it."
So, we obviously can't buy it and she calls the doctor's office and has to leave a message
we wait.
They call back and tell them to give us the OTC we could have gotten at any pharmacy.
The PA should have known what was in the cough syrup.
The pharmacist should have read the damn script that said at the top that she was allergic to one of the ingredients.
How difficult is any of this stuff to understand?
Do not give.
It's been a fun day.