
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ten Things Tuesday- Opinions

I thought this week's Ten Things Tuesday could center around the opinion.

Not my opinions on things, but sayings or quotes about opinions.

1. And your cry-baby whiny-a**ed opinion would be...
  I have a t-shirt that says this. Don't whine ALL the time. We all know these people.

2. Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.
Isn't that the truth? If you don't have one, you need to see a doctor. In either case.

3. Just because you have an opinion, that doesn't make it right.
That is why it is called an opinion and not a fact. Lots of people confuse the two all the time.

4. " Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure."- Bertrand Russell
In a nutshell, this is why governments crack down on their people.

5. " There is no such thing as public opinion, only published opinion." Winston Churchill
    How true. All we know about how popular something is, is from the news.

6. " Too often we...enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." John F. Kennedy
I think he was saying we don't always think things through like we should.

7. " The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge." Elbert Hubbard
Learning is a good thing and it's OK to change your mind.

8. " If you consult enough experts, you can confirm any opinion."- unknown
That's like 4 out of 5 dentists surveyed. They never said how many they asked. They just chose the ones that answered how they wanted.

9. " It is useless for the sheep to pass resolutions in favor of vegetarianism while the wolf remains in a different opinion." W.R. Inge quotes
I think Congress and legislatures everywhere should listen to this one.

10. " I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them." Herbert Henry Lehman
This is the way it should be.
Last year's O- Ode to an Outhouse





  1. I like number five and six. They are all true. Thanks for reminding.

    1. Munir, I thought those two were really good also. Good to see you.

  2. Love them Ruth...I especially like number 2 :)

  3. Some really good ones hear, Ruth!

  4. It's one of my favorite sayings. :)

  5. I liked this very much. The scope and variety of your choices of quotations made it even more interesting.

    jean :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sherry. JFK was a pretty smart guy.

  7. You know what happens when you assume, don't you? You make an ass out of you (u) and me.
    That's a pretty dumb saying.
    I assume.

    1. I know that saying. You'd swear that is the funniest thing my mom has ever heard. She has said it for years and she still laughs when she does.

    2. I say it in front of my daughter who then says, "Okay, crazy."
      She doesn't mean it.
      I assume.

  8. Number 3 is my fav! Good job Ruth!

    1. Thanks, Tracy. That one is all me. It's nice to see you!

  9. I really like number 9! How true. I sometimes feel surrounded by people who have an opinion about everything. And did I ask for an opinion? stopping by from A to Z

    1. Thanks, soggy in the corner. I guess it makes people feel important.

  10. Number ten is why I became a Libertarian.

  11. Nellie, that is a good reason. I'm an Independent.


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