
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tax Dollars at Work

Gotta love tax season!
Or do you?

My household makes more money so I pay more in taxes and get squat back as a refund.
That is just how it is supposed to work.

But, prices of everything are going up so it doesn't feel like I am making more.

But, I pay more in taxes.

And lucky me, Iowa has the 5th highest state income tax.
Right in between Rhode Island and New Jersey.
Not much lower than California.

I believe in paying my fair share.
I really do.

Though for the amount of state tax money I paid in last year, I think they could afford to put more gravel on my road.

Instead that money is probably helping pay for my governor's pension.
He is governor, so he gets a salary for that.
He was the governor before, but stepped down.
So, he gets a pension for that.

He gets a salary and pension.
It's legal so he is completely fine with getting both.

My tax dollars at work.


  1. Frustrating, isn't it? Fortunately, we live in a state where there is no state income tax. I did, however, grow up in California. Now you could not pay me to go back there to live. What a mess!

    1. Judy, I have always thought if I moved I would go to a state with no income tax. I pay more in state than federal and get less back.

  2. It's only going to get worse...

  3. I HATE, HATE, HATE tax season. I work in social services, besides my writing career which has net me about $15 in the past two years. Yet I seem to owe a chunk in taxes every frikkin year. What's up with that? Is that because I insist on staying in CA? Yeah, our state's a pathetic mess. But I need the sun. Maybe I should try Florida.


    1. But, Florida has palmetto bugs and you have to keep lizards around to eat said bugs. And it rains for a little bit almost every single day.

  4. I see these commercials where these dopey people are jumping up and down like frikkin' maniacs because they got a big refund. I ask, "Who the hell ARE these people!?" I consider myself lucky if I break even. But, if I'm gonna pay, you can bet your butt I don't file until April 15th.

    1. I wonder the same thing, Al. I don't recall ever getting a refund like that.

  5. I agree with robin, in CA the reason the taxes were so high is because the govt. is charging us for the sunshine....and the rain, except when we have a drought, then we pay more in taxes to buy extra water etc. We also get charged extra for snow, wind, earthquakes, fires and floods...I love this state!

  6. Alex, I am not sure why my taxes are so high. They are like 2/10 of a percent lower than what you pay and we don't have earthquakes or forest fires or land slides. Hey, maybe you should move to Iowa.

  7. I'm in California and am ready to leave but not yet. We are just starting to talk about retiring in about 10 more years maybe a bit longer. We just voted to raise taxes this past Nov. The state needed something like 60 billion to keep us from going over the fiscal cliff. Our gasoline tax is going up. Right now we pay 68.9 cents a gallon in taxes - one reason why our gas is always higher than the rest of the nation.

    We are retired military and they tax my husband's pension. If we left, it would be like getting a 15% raise. So while I love northern California and San Francisco - for that amount of savings, I'll gladly relocate and make like a-modern-day pioneer. :-)

    We always have to pay - never get a refund! What is that????????

    1. Coffee Lady. Wow that's high gas tax. The governor here won't raise it because of the economy through the legislature has mentioned wanting to do so. 15% would be a nice raise.


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