
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ten Things Tuesday- The Good About Getting Older

Last year, when I turned the big 4 0 I did a post on 10 reasons why I was staying 39 forever.
I have since determined that the 4th decade is not so bad and that it's just a number.

So, this weeks Ten Things Tuesday is about being comfortable about my age.
I turned 41 yesterday.

1. I can admit I am over 40.
    Before I turned 40, I dreaded it. One day and I'd cross over to a new number. I hated it. Now? I can't say I love saying those high a numbers, but I can say that you are only as old as you feel and I don't feel old.

2. I don't care about gifts.
    I don't know why it happened. But, it seemed to correlate with the year I turned 40. When I was little, I didn't get much for gifts and I always wanted good gifts and now I just want something that shows me the person cares. Wash my dishes, make me something, call me. That is what really matters.

3. I am who I am.
    I am not sure if this was due to just turning 40, but I know I am much more comfortable with who I am than I was even a couple years ago. Life is not so much fun when you worry about what other people think.

4. I am smarter.
    I don't just think the news is automatically true. I delve deeper and look at everything. Maybe more informed is a better word.

5. I am healthier.
    I think that goes hand in hand in being more informed. I feel better and am healthier since I quit paying attention to what the government and news people are saying what is best for our health. I just wish I had paid attention sooner.

6. Elections should not be based on one issue.
    When I was younger, I based my yea or nay on the basis of one issue. That one was a make or break for me. Now, I realize that when everyone does that, things don't work. Get all the facts and than choose the best candidate overall.

7. It's OK to tell my mother that she isn't right.
    I'd probably say more to her, but my dad will have to listen to her complain and I don't want to subject him to that. But, I will voice my opinion more than I used to. Sometimes I get sick of her little comments and something needs to be said.

8. It's OK to experiment with cooking.
    I never used to deviate from a recipe. I never made anything that I didn't learn from my mother or a cookbook. Not anymore. If it sounds good, I stick it together. If it turns out good, I give it a name. If it doesn't, we shall never speak of it again.

9. I trust my instincts.
    If something feels wrong, I pay attention. I get feelings about certain things. I used to try and not listen and in the end I should have. It could have saved a lot of money and frustration.

10. When someone dies, don't JUST be sad.
    Also, be grateful that you knew them and that they were in your life for as long as they were. You can't just remember the bad in them passing. You have to remember the good times you shared. It's what gets you through.


Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Happy Birthday!
    This is a good list. I remember crying the night before I turned 30. This year I turned 39 and I was more disturbed by the fact my kid was turning 15. I don't feel old enough to have a 15 year old!

    1. Lisa, I know what you mean. My daughter is 16. My niece is married with a kid so I'm a great-aunt. I can't be a great-aunt. That's for old people.

  2. I push myself to accept and be open about my age, because I'm only going to get older. I'm younger now than I'll ever be again. And if I was as old as I felt, I'd be a senior citizen. =)

    Be well, Ruth.

    1. Robyn,you look so young and vibrant. No way are you old. So, don't feel that way and that's an order!

  3. Happy birthday, Ruth!! Great things to love about being 40! and 50!

    1. Thank you, Judy! Who knew getting older would have its perks?

  4. Happy Birthday !
    One more thing to add, what an awesome blogger friend you have become!

    1. Thanks Munir. How sweet are you? I'm glad to call you friend.

  5. Amen to all of these, but especially numbers 3 and 10!
    3 - I totally feel the same way, and never thought I would.
    10 - What a fantastic way to look at it!
    Thanks, Ruth!

    1. Dawn, Several years ago I saw an interview with Cher and she said that it was a sign of maturity when you didn't care what other people thought. I guess we're mature!

  6. Happy belated Birthday! I have 2 more weeks before the big 40 and I have been saying that I am skipping my birthday this year.
    #3 sums it up...I am who I am. Amen!

    1. Thank you, Heather! I did that too. I decided last year I was 39.2. Than I realized it wasn't so bad after all. Happy early birthday!

  7. Great list, esp. 2, 4 and 10. I'm over gifts too. Wash my dishes! I'm more informed too. I want to educate myself on all issues. And 10...just lovely. I'm so with you. We all die, we need to celebrate each life.

    1. Thanks Mare. Knowledge is power! We'd be great together for birthdays and Christmas. We'd know just what to do!

  8. Happy Birthday girl! I could have written this post myself, there are some definitely good perks to getting old, enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Alex! Yes,getting older isn't so bad.

  9. I really loved turning 40. It really marked a good time in my life. Trying now to muster the same enthusiasm for the next milestone. At least i have a few years

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday

    1. Ya know, Mynx, I have a friend that thought life was great after 40 and after 50. My MIL says the opposite. She always says everything started to go the minute she turned 40. Than again, she said she never should have quit smoking because she gained weight. So, I am sure she's not a reliable source.

  10. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day and enjoy another year. I have to agree with everything you said, I am smarter and happy and I turned 42 this year.

    1. Thanks! I think the people said that the 40s are bad are just trying to scare us.

  11. What a good list Ruth. I especially liked the part about you being healthy independent of the bs idea of "health" that is heaped on us by irresponsible forces. Well, you could have guessed that. It's my obsession lately.

    Happy birthday!

    1. Karen, you and I could spend hours talking about food and health stuff.
      Whenever I say something about this food or that, I get the "but, that's so healthy".

  12. What a wonderful post and I agree with almost everything you said. Happy birthday! (This is my first day with power since the frankenstorm.)

  13. Only almost everything, Gail? :)
    Thank you. I'm glad you got your power back. Living with no electricity isn't real easy.


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