
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ten Things Tuesday- Reasons to Friend Someone on Facebook

There are all kinds of reasons people "friend" someone on Facebook.
Some I get.
Others I don't.

I know.
I am admitting to not knowing everything.
I know.
You're shocked.
Cause you thought I did.

So this week's Ten Things Tuesday is why people "friend" other people on Facebook.

1. You are actually friends in real life.
   I'd say this is a good reason. No explanation needed.

2. You met the other person on another website.
   It could be a forum or this here blogging site.

3. To play Zynga games 
   You know like Farm Town or Mafia Wars or even Cafe World or whatever the it game is now. I have seen discussions on forum sites about wanting to add people that play that game so they can reach a level or something.
I really don't get these games. I tried to be nice when I joined Facebook and did a couple for a friend. You can't win. All you do is click and get to another level. What is the point in playing a GAME that you can't win and has no end?

4. You are friends with that person's boyfriend or spouse.
   This seems to be mostly female friending  friends of their significant other. Though I have, on occasion, seen it go the other way.

5. Being related
   I have gotten requests from family members that I don't know or barely know. Sure we are related, but that is as far as it goes.

6. Same name
   Cool! You have the same name as I do, you must be my friend. Yes, people do that. Why?
I have no idea.

7. You are married to my relative
   That makes you family by default. You must be my friend.

8. We both belong to the same Facebook page OR group
   Now, just because I like chipped beef on toast AND you like chipped beef on toast that doesn't mean we are now besties. Go ahead. Knock yourself out. Send me a friend request.

9. We went to school together
   It's been 20 years and counting. I haven't seen you since the 10 year reunion(which, by the way, sucked monkey balls).

10. To get more people to see their links
     I have not done this. But, my husband has accepted requests thinking they might see the links he shares of my yummy stuff blog. I never share welcome to me links. I do on twitter sometimes, but not Facebook.


  1. Love the blog post. I have FB and actually am either friend, relative or coworker to those I know. I did accept an unknown for Farmville. it kind of turned to weird and then a delete, which was my first posting to the A-Z Challenge. :) Congrats on finishing your April Challenge!

    1. I never would. I get paranoid about people I don't know seeing all my photos and things. Thanks, congrats to you too!
      I should go read your A post now.

    2. Oh yeah! I started it and than remembered I already read it. I even commented.

  2. Guilty of #1 and #2.
    So, you don't know everything?
    But, do you at least know whether cottage cheese is really cheese?

    1. Al, I used to have my daughter convinced I did.
      Of course cottage cheese is cheese. It's farmer cheese with the liquid aka whey. Did you know Little Miss Muffet was really eating cottage cheese.

      Gail, yes it is. :)

  3. I'm the guilty recipient of #6 - I was sent a request by a lady with the same name as me, thru a common page. It's funny since her family is a lot like mine!

    1. That's interesting. Gives what's in a name new meaning.

  4. I still have no face or book - haven't seen a good enough reason. Maybe one day! Congrats on your A-Z writings!

    1. Thank you! If you have no need and don't want one, no point.

  5. my older sister told me that someone that knew me wanted to know if i was on facebook. this person had to be from my elementary years as i didn't remember the name and couldn't find record of a person by that name in my class during middle or high school. elementary was over 30 years ago. if you haven't been in touch since then, i don't understand why you would have this sudden need to friend someone on facebook.

    1. Sometimes it is just because they are curious and nothing more than that.

  6. I am ashamed to admit that I have added a few people on FB because we shared the same name. A few were men. That creeped me out a bit.

    1. I have heard of Nelly, the rapper. I didn't know so many guys were named that.

  7. Funny! I think some people just like to collect friends on Facebook, whether they know the person or not.

    1. Sherry, I am pretty sure they do. I also know some people with a bazillion friends because they accept all requests, but never send any out.

  8. yeah, facebook has really redefined the meaning of the word "friend" hasn't it--and not in a good way.

  9. I've had friends of friends, who I've never met, try to add me. I've had people friend me (rather, try to) because we share only our last name. I'm trying to think what else; I know I've had some random bizarre add requests that I have no idea the source of, too. So strange.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Yeah, I had a friend on there that would friend everyone on her friends list of friends. Once I got a request from a friend of hers that apparently did the same thing. She got deleted.

  10. I agree. You haven't seen each other since a big reunion, one which sucked monkey balls, then why the heck suddenly become "friends"?

    Most annoying for me was when an ex-boyfriend kept trying to "friend" me. Dude, really? We are through.

    =) Be well, Ruth.

    1. If you had stayed friends, that is one thing. Otherwise, just move along- there's nothing to see here.

    2. Monkey balls? So, THAT'S what they were doing in the coat closet. Has PETA been notified? Unless...the monkeys kinda dig it.....

  11. Interesante entrada, un placer pasar por tu espacio.
    que tengas un buen fin de semana.
    un abrazo.

    1. Usted tiene un buen fin de semana también.

  12. yeah facebook started off kinda fun for me--but has become kinda boring--i find--unlike the blogging community--no one cares what my thoughtful statuses have to say!

    1. No one seems to care what I have to say either, Lynn.

  13. These are all so true! I mostly use FB to organize parties and reunions:)
    Happy weekend!

    1. nutschell, I don't do much besides posting links for things I think are interesting. That is about it.

  14. Great list of ten! It's so true. Thanks for sharing.


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