I have to say that this year could use a serious do over.
From the beginning, my 2017 has been cursed.
I could not flush my toilet.
That is how my year started.
Tree roots grew into the septic drain line.
From there the ball kept rolling.
The steering wheel shaft went out on the truck.
Then, the left wheel bearing needed fixed.
Probably from driving the truck with no power steering.
Found out Honeyman's kidneys were getting worse and he had to see a nephrologist.
My oldest sister had a rare type of stroke.
Honeyman had a kidney biopsy.
And people are still arguing about Trump. EVERY DAY!
Sis went day to day and finally started to improve.
Honeyman got put on a high dose of Prednisone which helped the kidneys, but screwed up all kinds of other things.
Sis fell again and ended up dying.
Our health insurance decided months later, they were not going to cover as much of the biopsy and we could pay another $1200 of the bill.
And this weekend was completely awesome.
Yesterday was my birthday and the day before that would have been my sister's birthday which she shared with our dad.
He is still alive and is 76.
It was quite somber.
Talking about my sister helps me. Looking through pictures helps me.
But, sometimes it feels like she is the elephant in the room.
I guess that's okay.
I like elephants. I will talk to the elephant. I will discuss the elephant.
She'd probably like to be called a unicorn though.
Twitter is tough to be on. Her last tweet was a retweet of my raisin bread recipe.
Plus, she actually noticed my tweets.
I am getting tired of all the political rantings.
And people are getting their news from pictures with captions on social media.
And for the love of Pete, can we stop all this stupidity over the National Anthem and patriotism and taking a knee? How many people are complaining about not standing for it and are taking the playing of The Star Spangled Banner as an opportunity to go pee or get snacks?
Some days I am good. Other days I feel like I am going to crack.
I am already seeing the "2017 has been a tough year, let's make 2018 a better year".
Quit doing this.
Every year I see this and the next year is worse.
It is like a challenge to the Gods: It's like You thought this was bad? I will show you bad.
And cause we are people and many people don't learn, this is what we get.