
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You Know You Want To

So, how long has it been since I posted last?
I don't even know.

That must mean it has been a while.

I have been mourning the loss of one of my zucchini plants and the possible demise of the rest.
Between worms burrowing in, the heat, and the drought they don't stand much chance.

I am sad.

I am also rationing water.

Being on well water has it's perks.

No fluoride added.
No water bill.

On the other hand,
I could run out of water.

I am saving my dishes rinse water for watering my garden.

On a bright note,
we will start on my bedroom in the next few weeks.
Honeyman got the week off so it's a go.
Windows and doors are on sale this week so we are getting those.

It's very therapeutic tearing out the walls and ceiling.
Honeyman thinks its a big mess.
I think it's progress.

Especially since I have lived here for 12 years and the whole time there has been a big piece of plaster missing from the ceiling.

In a couple weeks, I am going out to my family reunion.
My niece got me to go with her last year after several years of not going.
I actually enjoyed going.

I am trying to talk my sister into going.
I'm doing my best to convince her to go.

Go! You know you want to!
I'll bring coleslaw if you say yes.

I wish I was a jedi.
I could wave my hand in front of her face and that would totally work.
Laura loves her coleslaw so maybe I could be known as the colelaw jedi.

Go! You know you want to.


  1. Eeks! Water rationing! Hope you survive the summer :) xx

    Oh and enjoy family reunion!

  2. Yep. My plants are pretty much gone. I keep watering anyway. I feel like a horrible person if I don't at least try to keep them going.

    1. I know what you mean Sue. We are still watering every 3 days, which isn't nearly enough. On a bright note, we don't have to mow the lawn.

  3. This drought is rough. Hope you don't lose any more plants.

    1. Gail, me too. All the leaves are curling up on my sweetcorn, tomatoes, and peppers, but they are still green so far. Knock on wood.

  4. Laura, GO!!!for goodness sake. You know you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to go, and there'll be all that cool coleslaw. Hope your water lasts. Didn't know one could actually kill zucchini.

    1. Yvonne, apparently you give it enough 100 degree days and no rainfall and that will do the trick.

  5. Go, Laura, Go! (practicing for the cheerleading squad)

    So...are you going to share the "Slaw" recipe - Ms. Coleslaw Jedi! Hmm...just wondering 'cause if I like it and Laura still won't go...I'll go and be Laura's stand-in! But only if the "Slaw" is "jedi" worthy!

    Cheers, Jenny

    1. Jenny, here's the recipe-
      That is so sweet that you'd come all the way from Canada. It is definitely worthy.

  6. Laura, how can you say "no" to that coleslaw? Psst, Ruth, there will be less healthy eats too, right? Try that angle.

    Be well and drink well from the well, and, well, have fun with room renovations and family.


    1. Robyn, there will be all kinds of good eats. I can't wait to start tearing down walls.

  7. yeah, my grass looks like total hell, and feels....crunchy. Good for you for handling your reno so calmly! I hope one day I'll be doing a little of that, because this kitchen and pantry need an overhaul! Have fun at the reunion!

    1. Karen, my grass is very crunchy too.
      I hope to!

  8. Droughts are awful, hope it ends soon. Sounds like you're going to have some fun renovating the bedroom, post pics when you're done so we can all oohhh and aaahhh about Honeyman's handy work. Your sister should go, tell her I said so...:)

    1. Alex, they just extended the drought forecast til October. Maybe they will be wrong?
      I will post pics.
      She reads this blog so she will see it :)

  9. I hate it when there are water restrictions due to drought but it all part of life and it could be worse I could live in the country or ourback.......

    I agree your sister should go, she may have a great time..........

    1. She should go, shouldn't she Jo-Anne?
      I am just glad the well hasn't gone dry yet.

  10. I had to mourn practically my whole garden. The worms got most of it. It is so discouraging! Have fun on the reunion! It should help you move on from the garden thing. :L-)

    1. Mare, doesn't it just make you want to cry?

  11. Well water. This is fascinating to me. I had no idea a person could do this. So many questions. I have to look into this. There's something about it that really appeals to me.

    1. Nellie, my well is old. But, you can still find people that will drill wells. My back porch also has an old cistern, but the people that used to live here threw garbage down it so the water is unusable.

  12. hi Ruth, go ahead and make that cole slaw. i will make it out to the reunion. TTFN


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