
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

So, Where Was I

It's been forever ago since I have posted anything on here.
So mush stuff has happened.

I am working full-time.
Honeyman has progressed to stage 5 kidney failure.
My dad now has severe emphysema and is on oxygen, congestive heart failure and stage3B kidney disease.
My mom just had a massive heart attack.
My father inlaw has been in the hospital for the last three months getting over a staph infection.

Life has been a hoot.

I never did get locked down or anything. My job is "critical to the infrastructure". I got a letter telling me so.My hours did get cut back though.
Honeyman got laid off cause of his medical condition while working in a hospital. That lay off became permanent a couple months later.
My hours are back now.

But, anywho...
I don't really have anything cheery to impart.
Most days it is good if I just get through it.


  1. There must be something in the air... a few of us have dropped back onto the face of Blogger... and none to soon.
    It looks like you could use a little viral hugging dear Ruth. I can tell you my mouth gapped open as I started reading your post. So much has happened, and some of it so suddenly - I'm not sure how you're managing. I hope you have a few good souls around you that can offer up some hugs, or a glass of wine. Wine is my go-to.

    I don't really know what to say, Ruth, but truly my heart aches for you. I'm so sad to read about your husband. Your father. And your mother. Wow. I will be having some serious chats with the universe and saying word or prayer for all of them... and for you... doubly for you, because I sense you've got a lot of "looking after" on your plate. How stressful, how sad... please feel the hugs I'm sending your way, Jenny.

    1. Awww thanks Jenny. I feel the love!I truly don't know why I was gone so long.

  2. Oh wow! To say you have had some stress is to say that Adam West’s Batman outfit showed very little. You poor thing....I am giving you a hug from afar🌹❤️. Too many of you very dear family are dealing with major health issues but I hope they are holding their own. I hope your honey is able to receive the help,he needs along with everyone else. I. Glad to see you here but I u derstand why you were not able to. Hugs

  3. Thanks Birgit. I need to make more time for here. I do miss seeing how everyone is.

  4. I'm so happy to hear from you. I am so sorry to hear everything that is going on. Things like that seem to come in waves - one right after the other. Hugs

  5. Well sh*t. I'm so sorry. That's far too much. You deserve only good things and I wish none of this was the case, Ruth.

    I missed you and glad you are managing to get back here, and to manage to manage to...just breathe. We love you.

  6. Thanks for teaching us so much with your blog

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